


このLowerCaseExcelテンプレートはここからダウンロードできます– LowerCaseExcelテンプレート


MS Excelには、単語内の各文字を大文字にするための組み込み関数があります。これは、LOWER関数です。


大文字と小文字を小文字に変更するには、セルC2に関数を「= LOWER(A2)」と記述する必要があります。” = 'または' + '記号は関数の記述に使用され、' LOWER 'は関数名、A2は大文字と小文字を変更するテキストのセル参照です。


1つの値が変換されます。その他の値については、一番上のセルですべてのセルを選択した後にCtrl + Dを押すか、Ctrl + CおよびCtrl + Vを押して関数をコピーして貼り付けることができます。または、数式を他のセルにドラッグして答えを得ることができます。







ステップ5:開いたウィンドウで、ドロップダウンリストから[ ConvertToLowerCase]を選択してください。



 Dim Rng As Range Dim c As Range On Error Resume Next Set Rng = Selection For Each c In Rng c.Value = LCase(c.Value)Next c

手順7: Visual BasicEditorを終了します。ワークブックにマクロがあるため、ファイルが.xlsm拡張子で保存されていることを確認してください。





手順1: [開発者]タブから、またはExcelショートカットキー(Alt + F11)を使用して、VisualBasicエディターを開きます。

手順2: [メニューの挿入] -> [モジュールコマンド]を使用してモジュールを挿入します。


 Sub LowerCaseConversion() Dim Rng As Range Dim c As Range On Error Resume Next Set Rng = Selection For Each c In Rng c.Value = LCase(c.Value) Next c End Sub 

Step 4: Save the file using Ctrl+S. Exit the visual basic editor. Make sure the file is saved with .xlsm extension as we have a macro in our workbook.

Step 5: Now choose the ‘Macros’ in ‘Code’ group in the ‘Developer’ tab.

Step 6: Then click on ‘Options’ and assign the shortcut key to the Macro and we can write a description as well.

In our case, we have assigned Ctrl+Shift+L.

Step 7: Macro is ready to use. Now to change the values into lowercase, select the required cells and press Ctrl+Shift+L.

#4 Using Flash Fill

If we establish a pattern by typing the same value in lowercase in the adjacent column, Flash fill feature will fill in the rest for us based on the pattern we provide. Let us understand this with an example.


Suppose, we have the following data which we want to get in lowercase.

To do the same, we need to write the first value of the list in the lower case manually in the adjacent cell.

Come to the next cell in the same column and just press Ctrl+E.

Choose ‘Accept Suggestions’ from the box menu appeared.

That is it. We have all the values in the lower case now. Now we can copy the values, paste the same onto the original list, and delete the extra value from the right.

#5 Enter Text in Lower Case Only

We can make a restriction so that the user can enter text values in lowercase only.


To do this, the steps are:

  • Select the cells which you want to restrict.
  • Choose ‘Data Validation’ from the ‘Data Tools’ group from the ‘Data’ tab.

  • Apply the settings explained in the figure below.

  • Now whenever the user will enter the value in capital letters, MS Excel will stop and will show the following message.

#6 Using Microsoft Word

In Microsoft word unlike Excel, we have a command named ‘Change Case’ in ‘Font’ group in the ‘Home’ tab.


Suppose, we have the following table of data for which we want to change text case to ‘Lower’ Case.

To change the case, first, we will copy the data from MS Excel and paste it into MS Word. To do the same, the steps are:

Select the data from MS Excel. And press Ctrl+C to copy data from MS Excel.

Open the MS Word application and paste the table using the Ctrl+V shortcut key.

Select the table using the ‘Plus’ sign on the left-top side of the table.

Choose ‘Change Case’ command from the ‘Font’ group and select ‘lowercase’ from the list.

Now, the data table is converted to ‘Lower’.  We can just copy the table after selecting the ‘Plus’ sign from the left top corner and paste it into Excel back.

We can delete the old table using the contextual menu, which we can get by right-clicking on the table.

Things to Remember

To convert the values into lower case, if we use the VBA code (Command button or Shortcut key) we need to save the file with .xlsm extension as we have macros in the workbook.