シンガポールの投資銀行| トップバンクリスト| 給与| ジョブズ










    • 主に大規模な取引を行うバルジブラケット銀行。これらには、スタンダードチャータード、HSBC、DBS、シティバンクなどが含まれ、多くの入札を行う数少ない企業の1つです。
    • シンガポールの投資銀行会社は規模が比較的小さく、通常、小規模な取引を扱っています。10億ドルを超えるメガディールを処理することはめったにありませんか?ただし、メガディールが実行されている場合は、全員(メジャーネーム)がディールに関与します。
    • シンガポール市場の問題は、ほとんどの中規模および大企業が家族経営または国営のいずれかであるということです。そして、家業のことを知っているように、人々は自分の会社を売却したくないのです。その結果、M&A取引は限られています。したがって、ここのバルジブラケットバンクのほとんどは、より低いレベルの取引を所有しようとします。一流の銀行がミドルマーケットの取引をめぐって競争することを経験できる市場はほとんどありません。しかし、シンガポールでは、それは現実です。
    • シンガポール市場での主な取引には、海運と天然資源が含まれます。シンガポール市場は国境を越えた取引のハブでもあります-それは政府によって提供される安全な経済のためにそうであるかもしれません。



    • IPO:シンガポールのほとんどの投資銀行は、IPOの実施方法と、シンガポール取引所(SGX-ST)に株式を上場する方法について企業にアドバイスしています。投資銀行は、クライアントがシンガポール証券取引所の規則や規制を理解するのを支援し、エラーの余地がなく、すべてが手間をかけずに行われるようにします。また、資本構成、マーケティングのテーマ、招待状の構造、価格設定、タイミングについて企業にアドバイスします。
    • エクイティおよびエクイティリンクオファリング:これは、シンガポールの投資銀行が提供する最も重要なサービスの1つです。彼らは、多様な株式関連の商品や商品について企業に助言します。これらの投資銀行は、クライアントがプロジェクトに資金を提供し、戦略的イニシアチブを改善するように導きます。また、ブロック取引、ライツイシュー、資金調達、転換証券の提供など、株式関連の商品/提供のサイズ、種類、構造、価格設定、タイミングについて企業にアドバイスします。
    • デットキャピタルマーケット:シンガポールの投資銀行は主にアジア市場で活動しており、すべての銀行には、優れた信用調査プラットフォームとともに、専任のグローバルセールスおよびトレーディングチームがあります。このようなチームとプラットフォームを持つことで、シンガポールのほとんどの投資銀行は、卓越したアドバイスを提供し、驚くべき市場洞察を提供し、比類のない実行を提供することができます。これらの銀行は、代理店、企業、超国家的、資金調達ソリューション、ソブリンなどをカバーしています。
    • 私募:シンガポールの投資銀行は、上場企業と民間企業の両方にプライベートエクイティで幅広いサービスを提供しています。これらの銀行が提供するオファリングは、IPO前の転換社債、成長資本、メザニン債務、株式などです。
    • 合併と買収:すでに述べたように、シンガポールでのM&A取引のほとんどは「標準以下」です。しかし、それはミドルマーケットの取引が専門知識を必要としないという意味ではありません。ここの投資銀行は企業アドバイザリーを提供し、すべての取引の技術的な詳細を扱う強力なチームを持っています。もちろん、最も重要な要素は銀行と顧客の関係です。これに基づいて、取引全体のみが処理されるためです。これらの投資銀行は、業界の洞察、グローバルな視点、確かな経験、シームレスな実行を提供することにより、国境を越えた取引や国内取引でクライアントを支援します。これらの銀行は、シンガポールで取引を行うだけでなく、マレーシア、インドネシア、タイの企業にもアドバイスを提供しています。




    1. BAML
    2. 野村
    3. ゴールドマン・サックス
    4. JPモルガン
    5. バークレイズ
    6. シティ
    7. ドイツ銀行
    8. モルガンスタンレー
    9. HSBC
    10. スタンダードチャータード
    11. DBS
    12. OCBC




    However, if you decide to get into the Singaporean investment banking market; here are a few things you should keep in mind –

    • Networking is key: In a small market, the jobs are often unadvertised and most of the time recruitment works through a reference. Thus, if you don’t network; your chances would be very bleak. Networking here doesn’t only mean making cold calls and sending emails to people who are at topmost positions in bulge bracket banks. Networking here means trying to pitch them in person. Yes, it’s very difficult to reach out directly and getting rejected again and again; because most of the time these top professionals don’t have time to listen to the pitch of a youngster. No matter what, if you want to get into investment banking in Singapore, you need to network through cold calls, emails, and also constant in-person pitching.
    • Internships: When the demand of the market is low (as there are smaller teams and fewer people are recruited), investment banks will only select who have a good background. So, you need to hustle and get two-three summer internships. If you want to get into investment banking, it’s great to try out bulge bracket banks for internships. If you aren’t able to land an internship or two in bulge bracket banks; try middle bracket banks. The idea is to have hands-on experience in investment banking and at the same time getting recognized by a top-notch investment bank. If you manage to get interviewed by a bank later on (because of your networking skill and reference), these internships experience would seem invaluable to you. Do have a look at How to get Investment Banking Internship
    • Fit Interview: The first round of interviews is often a fit interview. Normally corporate recruiters are appointed to conduct the interview. Here you would be checked whether you have the right background for the job or not. Banks that depend on the agencies to recruit few entry-level candidates need to leave the things to corporate recruiters. So you need to make sure that you know what it takes to impress the corporate recruiter to get through.
    • Next rounds of interviews: Next rounds of interviews are usually done in the same manner. First, there will be analysts who will be taking your interview. If you get through you need to sit with an associate. If you clear the round, you need to sit with MD/Partner and HR representative/s. During these sessions, you will be asked to present a case presentation. But remember the emphasis is more on sales than technicalities. So you need to prepare in a similar fashion.
    • Language and University: The culture is quite diverse and knowing Chinese is not mandatory. But if you know Chinese it would definitely help. Along with that if you have an education in any university in Singapore that would be an added advantage. Every investment bank likes local candidates and people who belong to the place. That’s why knowing the language and pursuing an education in Singapore would help you cut the crowd.

    Investment Banking in Singapore – Culture

    Singaporean investment banking market is much smaller. Thus, the culture in offices is much different than the Top banks in USA and UK.

    • The first thing is bankers here rarely do work on major deals; thus, the external pressure isn’t as much as it is in London or the USA. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t work longer hours. As an investment banker, you will work long hours (not 100+ hours per week, but close), not for external pressure, but for completing your own tasks since the team is pretty small in investment banking firms.
    • The second thing that is relevant to the Singaporean investment culture is that people mostly work in closely-knit teams. And even MDs are accessible to entry-level employees. If you want to ask a question, you can walk into MD’s room and talk to him. And no-one screams at anyone even if new employees make mistakes (which is quite normal as they’re just beginning to adapt to a new environment).
    • The third most important thing to consider about the investment banking culture in Singapore is that the focus is more on sales than on technicalities. That’s why rarely do people do modeling and valuation and more concentration is given on sales and pitch-books.

    Also, have a look at Investment Banker Lifestyle

    Investment Banking in Singapore – Salaries

    Salaries in Singapore are quite good especially if you start your career with a bulge bracket bank. So even if you need to go through a lot to get an entry; the end result is quite satisfying. Along with a great basic salary, you will also get a hefty bonus.

    Let’s have a look at the average salaries of people working in investment banks in Singapore. These figures are assimilated by the survey data collected from various recruitment agencies –

    source: efinancialcareers.com

    From the above figures, we can see that if you start as an analyst in Singaporean investment banks, you will be able to earn at least S$130,000 per annum (S$105,000 as a basic salary plus 25% on an average bonus).

    As you grow in your career and get promoted to an associate, you will earn an average of around S$200,000 per annum.

    As a VP, you will earn around S$310,000 per annum on an average and as a director, you will learn around S$500,000 per annum.

    As an MD of an investment bank, you will earn around S$750,000-800,000 per annum on an average.

    So you can understand that if you can stick to investment banking for a while, you will be able to earn a decent amount of money over the years.

    Also, have a look at Investment Banking Associate Salary

    Investment Banking in Singapore – Exit Opportunities

    As investment banking turns out to be a great career, people don’t exit from their jobs. It’s not like 2-3 years of pursuing a career in investment banking and then shifting to something else. No. But there are exceptions and few people change careers whenever they feel the need to (or they want to explore different opportunities).

    Usually, there are two exit opportunities in Singapore.

    • First, people leave investment banking for private equity funds. Private equity has started to make its mark in the Singaporean market.
    • Second, people go for hedge funds after a few years of experience in investment banking.

    Also, have a look at this detailed article on Investment Banking Exit Opportunities