簿記係vs会計士| トップ7の違い(インフォグラフィック)




  • ベンダーからの請求書の入力
  • 請求書の支払い
  • 売上請求書の作成
  • 顧客への明細書の郵送
  • 給与データの処理


  • ブックキーパーによってまだ入力されていない経費を記録するためのエントリの調整(たとえば、最後の銀行支払い以降の銀行ローンの利息、翌週に処理される従業員が稼いだ賃金)
  • 損益計算書、貸借対照表、キャッシュフロー計算書などの会社の財務諸表を作成します。
  • それらはさらに、経営陣が過去および将来の決定の財務的影響を理解するのを支援します。



  1. 単式簿記
  2. 複式簿記
  3. 仮想簿記


  1. 財務会計
  2. 管理会計
  3. 原価計算
  4. 人事会計
  5. 責任会計





  1. 簿記係は、金融取引の識別、定量化、記録、そして最終的には分類を行う必要があります。対照的に、会計士は、元帳勘定に分類された最新の金融取引を要約、解釈、および伝達する必要があります。
  2. 財務上の決定は、簿記の記録だけに基づいて行うことはできませんが、会計士の記録に基づいて検討することはできます。
  3. 簿記係は財務諸表を作成する必要はありませんが、会計士は財務諸表を作成する責任があります。
  4. 上級管理職は通常、書記官の機能には関与しません。ただし、将来の経営判断を行うための情報が必要なため、会計士の仕事に関心を持っています。
  5. 簿記係が使用するツールはジャーナルと元帳であり、会計士のツールは貸借対照表、損益計算書、キャッシュフロー計算書などです。
  6. ほとんどの活動は機械的であるため、簿記係は特別なスキルを必要としません。それでも、会計士は、会計帳簿の維持に伴う複雑さのレベルのために、専門的な分析スキルを必要とします。会計の専門職学位と、同じ分野での過去の実務経験が必要になります。


  • 単式簿記システム会計システム;
  • 複式簿記
  • バーチャル
  • 管理
  • 財務
  • 費用
  • 人事
  • 責任


Though on many occasions, the terms of bookkeeping and accounting are used interchangeably, the activities conducted by them have their own set of differences, which we shall analyze. The activities of book-keeping consist of:

  • Preparation and sending of invoices to vendors and customers
  • Recording of payments from the consumers
  • Record, Processing, and payment of invoices from suppliers
  • Recording and monitoring of inventory changes
  • Processing payroll and petty-cash transactions
  • Categorizing of credit card and other related expenses
  • Monitoring of late payment and accordingly sending reminders to the impacted parties

The accountants require a higher level and specialized tasks that generally require the services of a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or by multiple Non-certified accountants with oversight of a CPA. Some of the functions undertaken involve:

  • Creation and management of the Chart of Accounts (COA)
  • Designing and maintaining of financial statements
  • Record of accrued revenue and deferred revenues and expenses
  • Creating a budget and making comparisons against Actual expenses incurred
  • Determining estimated taxes and preparing tax documents accordingly
  • Keeping on issues relating to Financial and Tax compliance and take actions accordingly
  • Identification of potential tax write-off or other profit-maximizing opportunities.

The hiring of an individual to conduct these activities could have conflicting views. Many times, small businesses may have the book-keeping tasks completed in an unprofessional manner forcing the CPA to spend more time catching up these activities before progressing ahead. It is also preferred to have in-house bookkeepers who are professionally trained, giving the comfort level to the accountants.

For reducing the costs and maximizing the effectiveness, the firm must make sure they are using the same standardized methods and best practices. They should also be encouraged to communicate regularly and clearly. They should be made to work as a team instead of creating any barriers.


Ensuring the financial records are correctly organized, and finances are balanced out by the bookkeeper coupled with smart financial strategy and timely tax filing of the accountant, directly contributes to the long-term success of every business.

Certain business owners manage their finances on their own. In contrast, others may opt to hire a professional so that they can focus on sections of the business they are interested in. Either of the options will help in their business to grow. Additionally, with the advent of technology, multiple softwares are getting updated for executing the tasks automatically. This aspect will change the definition and requirements with passing time, and hence one is required to be updated with the same.